I keep keeping on. I still feel yucky and have some body odor which is to be expected. It is actually an indication that I am still detoxing. Interetingly I have more odor eminating on the left than on the right. What is that about? I'll have to reserach that one.
I want to speak today about our call to be discerning. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Many of us are asked on a regular basis to contribute to some cause. When Ethan was diagnosed with Autism, I joined a support group who in the first meeting was fervently discussing awareness and fundraising efforts. I needed support and knowledge, not to be asked if I would walk for awareness. In the following months, I was asked to give to many autism charities. I prayed to God, should I forget all the other causes of which there are so many. Previously I had done the Race for the Cure, I asked God do I abandon the women who are suffering. His answer did not come immediately, but over the next year showing me that most charities are not truely about helping those who are suffering, but lining the pockets of the executives, 'researchers', and drug companies which control how the money is used.

Race for the cure funds abortion through Planned Parenthood donations, and abortion is a major risk factor for breast cancer (killing babies is more important than cancer risk).
http://www.lifeissues.org/abortionbreastcancer/komen/fact_sheet.pdf  check it out for yourself. Also, we have all see the millions of pink ribbon doning packages of sweets. It is all for a good cause right, so why not indulge. Problem is obesity is a major risk factor for breast cancer as well. Where is the common sense? There is much more, but I'll let you check into it for yourself.

So do we just forget about giving? No, God calls us to help his people and creation, so how do we do it. We take the time to know where our money is going. Know the organizations. Preferably, help those around you directly instead of throwing money at a problem you don't understand and into the hands of people to "manage" for you. Be directly involved in the lives of others and look to God's nature for healing power.  So go HELP!

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