Today was a great day. I had so much time to just think as I was volunteering at my kids school. I am developing a curriculum for homeschooled children on Health and Nutrition. It is a labor of love and something I look forward to completing. I hope to offer a class this fall and perhaps design a downloadable version for the internet. In my research for this and other research, it has become apparent to me how we have lost the wisdom of the past. We have abandoned what seemed second nature to our ancestors. Food preparation has become an industry instead of a spiritual expression, a communion with one another. God is three Persons in one God, totally interdependent and supporting of the oneness. We are created in the image of God, intended to be interdependent and submitting one to another in love and reverence. But because of the fall, because of selfishness and brokenness, we tend more toward treating others as a means to an end. When God asked Cain, "Where is your brother?", Cain's response is quite bold. He said, "Am I my brother's keeper?" God never answers his question, but I believe the answer is yes. We are all keepers of each other. We want to pretend that sin is individualistic (the way we see most things), but it never is. We do not live in a vacuum. All we do is intertwined with nature and with each other.

You might wonder what this has to do with Candida. It has a lot to do with it. Candida has many symptoms, many of which are behavioral in nature. If I do not take care of my body, I am more prone to treat others poorly. Think of how you might react toward others when you have a headache, or the flu. Also, the long term effects may cause chronic disease which would put reduce my ability to work and put undo economic stress on society. So I want to get well, not just for me, but for those around me. Not that I blame all my negative behavior on health issues, but we cannot sever the soul, mind, body connection or the person, environment, community connection.

Today was a maintenance day. I did want to mention that one thing that I have been very consistent in is getting my garlic. I am taking 3-5 cloves a day. Surprisingly, I do not smell of garlic. Except for the occasional belch that is a bit garlicky just after taking it, I notice no difference. I am very happy to be taking it because it has many good properties.

According to this site, I should be chewing my garlic before swallowing. I am not looking forward to that change. I have been crushing it with a knife and dicing it. I guess I should go one step further and try the garlic press or chew. I'm sure this would help the anticandida benefits in my mouth as well. I was particularly impressed with the benefits toward reducing cancer risk for many types of cancer. Also, I like the idea that the garlic reduces inflammation in the body. It makes sense that if it curbs Candida, it would have these benefits as well. I LOVE GARLIC. God made many healing foods.

Ugh! Feeling a bit frustrated today. I had to abandon the Raw Milk Diet and not only that, but all of my raw milk products which I love to make. I obviously still have yeast (candida) issues, which I was hoping I had taken care of. Unfortunately, I didn't do an anticandida diet long enough and with strict enforcement enough to really kill the candida off. You never kill it completely, but it needs to be under control before indulging in such things as fruit, milk, and other foods that have sugar in them naturally. So where did I decide to turn for more info? I found a website with great info and it even has some homemade supplements you can take in order to combat the yeast beast. Contains a great deal of information, most of which I knew already, but some new stuff as well. I have already started because most of the knowledge is not new since I did something similar for about 4 weeks before. I now know that I need to hit it harder and longer for my relief from infestation. Soooo Gross. So my Raw Milk Blog Has turned into an anticandida blog for those still interested.

The reason I know that I still have issues with Candida is the symptoms that I was having from drinking the Raw milk. Some of them could be considered detox symptoms, but with the completely coated white tongue, I knew that it was once again Candida. So what did I do. I already eat an almost exclusively organic diet so I simply started by eliminating all foods with sugar, including my beloved milk. That means no fruit, except lemons and limes (and those in moderation). All starchy vegetables, grains, and molds or fungi. I will eat no milk products for a total of three months minimum. I don't want to do this, but I have to. I also started immediately with a few things that I hadn't done the last time. One was to take my krill and cod liver oil like I was on the milk diet, but in addition, I am taking a crushed clove of garlic 3-5 times a day to kill the candida off. I am also eating coconut oil as a supplement in addition to cooking with it.  To combat the die off reaction, I will take some Vitamin C in high doses and do some other recomendations like, enemas. This should help my constipation as well.

The rest of my family will be joining me on this endevor as they most likely have issues still. My husband never did the previous diet, so this is totally new for him, but he is on board. God give us the strength, wisdom and resolve to complete this task. Help us to be st