   Wow, still lovin the milk! Stinkin again though. I cannot belive how I am emiting a steady stream of stink. Not completely overwhelming, but definitely not appealing. I hope it is gonna stop soon. Between the completely white tongue and the smell, I must admit I am feeling a bit self conscious. Oh well, here's hoping it will pass. And speaking of passing, I finally had a BM last night after writing my blog, but again it wasn't easy. So I added even more prunes to my diet today. Ugh. I hope I have a breakthrough. I was expecting things to be worse before they get better, so I am not supprised by my little irritations. 
    Today I thought I'd discuss eggs. Food has become demonized in our culture, and there is so much conflicting information. Eggs are good for you, if they are really eggs. Real Eggs are ones from chickens that are living a chicken life. Not cooped up chickens inside, crowded, disease ridden chickens like the ones above. I'm talking roaming the pasture pecking at the ground chickens. Chickens living the way God intended. Instead of reinventing the wheel, visit the following link to explain further. It is no wonder that the information we receive is so confusing, are they comparing apples to apples or eggs to eggs?  http://www.nakedfoodcooking.com/truth-isfree-range-eggs-healthier-store-bought-eggs/ 

After doing some additional research concerning lactose and candida, I'm pretty sure I still have major candida issues. There is no doubt in my mind that my tongue turning almost completely white and the trouble I'm having with body odor are related to candida overgrowth.

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